The Catalyst

The New Belleview CEP: Joe Reichel

Season 1 Episode 13

A new affiliate organization has come to serve the business community in South Marion County. The Ocala Metro CEP (Chamber and Economic Partnership) has launched the Belleview CEP to bring business services, attraction, retention, creation, and advocacy to the City of Belleview and surrounding communities located in the southern part of the county. Join us as we hear from Joe Reichel, Director of the Belleview CEP about this new entity and its future programming.

Featured Nonprofit: Shephard's Lighthouse

Joe Reichel
Director, Belleview Chamber & Economic Partnership 

Joe Reichel began his career in general construction in the Pittsburgh,  PA metro. After relocating to the Ocala Metro, he transitioned into the restoration and the construction industry. When he took over the marketing and business development side of the business, he found that his true talent was creating connections for himself and others for the betterment of the community. He began working in Partner Relations at the Ocala CEP in 2015 and has since committed his efforts to building relationships within the business and greater local community, now for Belleview with the Belleview CEP. 

The Catalyst is hosted by the Ocala Metro Chamber & Economic Partnership, sponsored by Douglas Law Firm and recorded live at Wiley Productions podcast studios, located in Ocala, Florida. New episodes, guests, and perspectives of leadership premiere twice a month. Follow us on Apple, Amazon, Spotify, or wherever you enjoy podcasts.

Natalie McComb:

The Catalyst, a CEP podcast on bold leadership in the Ocala Metro, hosted by the Ocala Metro Chamber and economic partnership, sponsored by Douglas law firm and recorded live at Wiley productions podcast studios located in Ocala, Florida. Welcome to the catalyst. I'm your host Natalie McComb, Vice President for the Ocala Metro Chamber and economic partnership Foundation. And I'm joined today by Joe Reichel, Director of the new Belleview Chamber and Economic Partnership. Great to have you on the show, Joe.

@Joe Reichel:

Thank you, Natalie.

Natalie McComb:

So the Belleview CEP is a new affiliate organization of the Ocala Metro Chamber and economic partnership. Tell us more about what this means. So

@Joe Reichel:

So, the Ocala Metro Chamber covering the whole county, the whole Ocala Metro, we have always thought that because we as a chamber cover the whole area that all of the surrounding areas like Belleview would just come in and be a part of the Ocala Metro Chamber. But now we see it's not working that way. It hasn't worked that way. The further away from our office in downtown Ocala, the less engagement we have with the community. And so we decided it was time to take a chamber to Belleview. So it's the same programs, the same things that we offer the partners here in Ocala, we're going to be doing that in, we're doing it in Belleview. We're going to be having events there. Ways for the businesses to engage and connect, and be that voice for the businesses in the community.

Natalie McComb:

And why do you think this initiative is so important specifically to the Belleview community?

@Joe Reichel:

It's important because for one, that community has not had a chamber since 2019. The chamber closed and since then, the businesses have just been doing their own thing. A few businesses got together to create, you know, try to get a group of them together, but it just wasn't working. So now it's you know, we're able to go in there. Because we have the backing of the Ocala Metro Chamber, we're able to offer the same programs, the same initiatives, the same opportunities that the businesses at the Ocala Metro have, we're going to be able to do that in Belleview.

Natalie McComb:

That's great. So it's really in their own backyard a lot more convenient, and, and hopefully with familiar faces right? Folks in their own community that, you know, they may see whether it's at a rotary club or another networking type of event.

@Joe Reichel:

Yes, this is a chamber for Belleview, in Belleview. My job is to be there, be the person that they see. The face for the chamber. And then I've got the team at the Ocala Metro as my support staff to help us to get everything that we need to do in order to have a chamber there for them. This has been it's been really cool seeing the businesses, the excitement building, as they're, you know, understanding the opportunities that are going to be there for them.

Natalie McComb:

And I understand that you started this role back in November. And I know you've been a very busy man doing your outreach and, and visiting Belleview businesses talking to leaders and planning for some future programming. So what kind of responses you have you received? Since you've been out

@Joe Reichel:

The response has been really good. I'll say overwhelmingly good. Kind of started off a little skeptical. visiting businesses in Belleview? And there have been a few skeptics. Just kind of like, I'm

Natalie McComb:

And I know that, you know, obviously folks have not sure. Just because it's not it's new to them, right? They don't understand that. But overwhelmingly, the response has been very positive. So I've met with the local leaders at the city of Belleview. We've had meetings there individually meeting with different ones, the mayor and the chief of police and his staff. Overwhelmingly, they are positive, you know, their responses are positive. They're excited about this. They're excited about what this will mean, for the business community, to have that voice to have one person or one group, been hearing about it now for a couple months, but you held a being able to give them direction and kind of being able to speak for them on different things. large launch event on February 1, which I understand was a rousing success. So tell us more about how that event went and really, what were the takeaways from that gathering that you held?

@Joe Reichel:

So I'm gonna back up a little bit. In December, we held a leaders lunch. 40 people gathered at that lunch and we talked about what we were going to do and getting the excitement going. For this launch event that we had that we were just talking about, you asked about, I set a goal of 300 people. That's what I wanted for that event. And it was open to the Ocala Metro partners as well and the business community as a whole. We really wanted to show community connectivity. And that's why I thought if 300 people gathered in Belleview, that would be a huge success. And we had nearly 500 people at that event, I went door to door inviting people. Handing them out. The presenting sponsor was Florida Credit Union. So you know, they were a great support. We also had Nash Plumbing & Mechanical and Pat Meyer's Electrical. And those are the first three businesses that I asked to sponsor this event they jumped on. That has been the exciting part of this these people in these businesses in Belleview, these business owners, these community leaders, they're excited about it. And that's where, you know, the local government was represented down there for our launch event. We had Marion County government, City of Ocala, where the government as well as state representatives, were there, their legislative aides. So it's it's encouraging to see the connectivity of the community in having nearly 500 people. Yeah, it was pretty exciting.

Natalie McComb:

That's impressive. And you know, what a great opportunity as well, for businesses in Belleview to have, you know, the chance to talk to some of their elected officials that, you know, maybe they would have to travel up to Ocala to attend a county commission meeting or things like that, know that these are commissioners that are coming into their community in Belleview to be with them. And I know I was there, and it was great to kind of walk the space and see all the different connections being made and conversations that were being had. And, you know, I think it's something when folks take the time, certainly to come up to Ocala to an event. That's wonderful. But when we show that we care enough to be in their space, and bring that to them, it sounds like that is a big part of the success of this event. And

@Joe Reichel:

And that's where, that what is going to make this successful. This is an affiliate program, if you're a partner of the Ocala Metro, you're automatically a partner of the Belleview chamber economic partnership. If you're a partner of the Belleview chamber, you're a partner of the Ocala chamber, we're making it so that these are, there's more opportunity for connectivity, more opportunity for education, more opportunities for our business community to engage with our local leaders. And that's what's going to really make a difference, because so many of the companies, you know, in the northern part of the county are going to be able to connect with businesses in the southern part of the county.

Natalie McComb:

And this launch event is really just the beginning of a lot of programming that you hope to bring online. So what as you look ahead, what are some of the programs that you're going to be adding and what are some as you continue to grow that you're looking to add down the road?

@Joe Reichel:

So we will have the signature networking events like the Ocala Metro. We will have the business after hours on the fourth Thursday, we'll have our exceptional morning's breakfast that's going to be on the fourth Tuesday of the month. But in addition, we're going to be working with South State Bank in order to create some educational opportunities, working with our business creation team and helping to see what that will look like and so that we can, we can tailor it to that community and what their needs are. These are things that are going to add value to that community and as I get to know that community, we're going to find out what those needs are, as I go in and visit with different businesses and find out exactly where they want to make changes or what they need in their business will be able to provide that types of, those types of education and opportunities for them.

Natalie McComb:

Wonderful. So for folks, that may be entrepreneurs that are looking to start a business, there'll be some services for them. For those that may want to grow their business, right? Some services for them, and some connectivity. But, you know, I think how many among us would say that we don't need professional development, right? So I'm sure there are some opportunities for business owners to also learn from other leaders and talk about things like HR best practices, and financial accounting and things like that, that can help them expand their business or really just institute some best practices so that they continue

@Joe Reichel:

Yes. And then that's what we want all of the to grow and thrive in Belleview. businesses no matter where they're at, to be able to have these opportunities to make advancement in the community as Ocala and Marion County, and you know, Belleview grows. We want the business community to be able to serve us and grow with it.



Natalie McComb:

And are there any kind of pie in the sky hopes that you have for the Belleview CEP is as you look at where this could possibly go and grow?

@Joe Reichel:

So my office currently, and thankfully, is the boardroom of Citizens First Bank. They've loaned me the boardroom, and I'm thankful for that. But that pie in the sky, yes, we want a Belleview chamber and Economic Partnership Office. We want staff. I would love to be able to have a person that's able to answer the phone and be the face when someone comes through the door, looking for chamber help. So those are what we have coming forward. But in the meantime, I need sponsors. So I'm going into businesses and or, you know, I need partners as well, I need to know more partners, I need more engagement, and then with that more sponsors to put on the events that we're going to be having to be able to make it what you know, well, I I'd like to say 500 people at every event, but we're going to make these good events and make you know, make sure that it's something that the community is finding benefit from, and in return for the partners, right that support the eventual return on investment.

Natalie McComb:

And where can folks go for more information about the Belleview CEP. So the best way to get information would be contact me directly. We also have a Facebook page, the Belleview Chamber and Economic partnership. Our website is, we'll be live here very soon, we have a landing page. And that is Wonderful. And, I know that many in Ocala and surrounding communities know you, because you really excel in networking. So for those leaders, listening, who may still be struggling with building relationships, and kind of that public setting, any advice that you can impart to them? I

@Joe Reichel:

I would say get out there, don't be afraid to go meet someone. And that's where like, we often are afraid to do something. This community opens up its arms to anyone who puts themselves out there, we have a very friendly business community. So I'd say go network, get out and meet people.

Natalie McComb:

And any kind of tricks of the trade in terms of what you do for follow up, because I'm sure that's also something that sometimes folks struggle with, they may meet someone at an event and they get their business card. And next thing, you know, it's two weeks later, and they're like, ooh, I really should have shot that person and email. So you know any best practices that you utilize in terms of follow up?

@Joe Reichel:

I would say do it. First thing, don't procrastinate. Even if it is two weeks, yeah, even if it is two weeks follow up, it's not going to hurt. And that's where if you say you're going to do something at a networking event, you want to make sure you do it. And that's just I think life in general, right? If we say we're going to do something we need to do it. And as far as networking is any type of follow up, and that you'll know that by the conversation or, or how that evening goes with the person, I oftentimes will ask how do you want me to follow up and make sure you have that in place? If I get a business card from someone, typically follow that up with an email, just you know, the next day saying, hey, it was nice to meet you. Or, you know, whatever the follow up that we talked about needing to be if it's going to be a phone call, it doesn't need to be anything long and you know, you just need to do it. Really, but I love handwritten notes too. Those are probably one of my favorite things for follow up.

Natalie McComb:

And it definitely makes a good impression when you take the time as well.

@Joe Reichel:


Natalie McComb:

We provide our guests with the opportunity to highlight a nonprofit they're involved with or they're passionate about. Who would you like to highlight today, Joe and why?

@Joe Reichel:

So as I've been learning the businesses and the community in Belleview, in the South Marion area, I got to meet Brad and Yolanda East with Shepherd's Lighthouse. And I've really liked what they're doing there. It's encouraging. They've been able to help families who are going through difficult situations. Their thrift store provides the funds for it. This is one that I'm excited about right now.

Natalie McComb:

What a great organization. And I know they do a lot of outreach and case management to help people kind of navigate challenges that they're having and also provide some transitional housing. So we'll include a link on the episodes page to Shepherds Lighthouse, so folks can learn a little bit more.

@Joe Reichel:

Thank you.

Natalie McComb:

And now a word from our sponsor.

@Sponsor: Douglas Law Firm:

Hello, this is Jeremiah block with the Douglas law firm. We are a full service law firm with many practice areas to serve your particular needs. We are located in downtown Ocala 110 North Magnolia Avenue. Coming from a seventh generation family here in Ocala. I am honored for our law firm to partner with the CEP to bring you these podcasts. We hope you enjoy.

Natalie McComb:

So now it's time for our lightning round Joe, we're gonna get to know you a little better. So what is your biggest pet peeve?

@Joe Reichel:

One of those would be litter. I love what the Marion County, the litter campaign that they've been working with, it was exciting for me to be part of the litter Task Force. Be able to be a part of that and be able to see what they've done with it in the county and the community. And I hope that we're able to make Marion County litter free.

Natalie McComb:

What a great cause and i know you enjoy hiking and walking and being in the outdoors and I'm sure it's frustrating if you go to one of our parks and and it's not being kept clean. Are you one of those folks that bend down and pick up that bottle or that piece of trash and find a garbage can?

@Joe Reichel:

I will often be found with trash in my backpack that is not mine, because I've picked it up.

Natalie McComb:

Hey, someone's got to do it. And thank you, Joe, your own personal litter Taskforce, right?

@Joe Reichel:

I told Commissioner Curry thank you for appointing me to that.I was his appointment. And so with that it was really, it opened my eyes to it even more. And I cannot walk by litter now without picking it up.

Natalie McComb:

Well maybe you'll inspire some others as well.

@Joe Reichel:


Natalie McComb:

Good. So what is your favorite Marion County hotspot?

@Joe Reichel:

The Florida trail.

Natalie McComb:

Oh, okay. So the Cross Florida, the Greenway out there on baseline?

@Joe Reichel:

So yes, the Florida trail. It goes from South Florida all the way up to the Panhandle. This is equivalent to what you know many people call the Great trails and these are like the Appalachian Trail. But this isn't just the state of Florida. It goes right through Marion County, between Belleview and Ocala on the Greenway. We don't even realize it's there and people travel that all the time hiking. And there's so many areas that we can just get on and go for a day hike or you know, a couple hours and really have fun right here.

Natalie McComb:

And take some time to yourself too. I'm sure it's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Ocala and growing Belleview. Right?

@Joe Reichel:

Well sure.

Natalie McComb:

What's the best part for you about living in Ocala?

@Joe Reichel:

The opportunity to do so many things, being able to be close to everything in our community as far as getting into the outdoors or going to the beach. We do have, you know, a variety of places to go shopping and restaurants to eat at. I don't think there's a better place to live. That's why I've stayed here as long as I have. And I'm glad that I'm here. I've made this my home. I've made this community, my family. And that's what I love about being here and in this area.

Natalie McComb:

Well, thank you so much, Joe. Again, we were here with Joe Reichel, director of the new Belleview Chamber and economic partnership. Thank you so much for being on the show. Joe.

@Joe Reichel:

Thank you, Natalie. This was a lot of fun.

Natalie McComb:

Thank you for joining us for another episode of The Catalyst hosted by the Ocala Metro Chamber and economic partnership, sponsored by Douglas Law Firm and recorded live at Wiley Productions podcast studios. New episodes, guests and perspectives on leadership premiere twice a month. Follow us on Apple, Amazon, Spotify or wherever you enjoy your podcasts. Have a suggestion for a future guest email us at